About RevolutionTruth

Mission Statement

"RevolutionTruth is a people-driven civil liberties and human rights organization dedicated to restoring democratic governance and citizen agency."

RevolutionTruth Stands with Standing Rock

We conduct "Legal Campaigns," a hybrid of lawsuits and grassroots, networked activism in order to take on powerful entities - be they governments or corporations - to help protect and restore power to the people. We live in a world of radical power imbalances, where billion-dollar corporations expect to get away with trampling citizens’ rights across the globe - often using various arms of the state to do so.

None of us can stand up to these abuses alone. RevolutionTruth is committed to preserving our rights, our liberty, and the freedom to determine our lives. We work with you - people from all walks of life and political stripes - to collapse the dualities designed to divide us and combat injustice.

Dominant paradigms, even when toxic or unsustainable, take time to shift. We’re experiencing the death of an old model, and it’s time to bring about a new way of life. We, the people, know it: but right now, we are David against Goliath. Only together can we stand up to tyrants and make real shifts.

Standing Rock is the first clear and large-scale embodiment of a new paradigm, one rooted in a deeper, more holistic way of being. The Water Protectors have illuminated one new form of popular resistance. RevolutionTruth is working to nurture the transition by acknowledging the beauty in this unfolding movement while simultaneously deploying the tools of the dominant paradigm to bring about necessary change.

Energy Transfer Partners wants you to think that the Standing Rock Sioux Nation won on December 4th. This is not true. With the mainstream media refusing to tell the whole story, only five days later this twenty-five-billion-dollar corporation went right back to work by suing the government for denying the easement. Meanwhile, to the point of pushing state-based, serious violence against unarmed people, the company has worked overtime to end the greatest gathering of Native Americans in US history and destroy a positive uprising in the process.

With this perceived “win,” and the world’s attention drawn elsewhere, ETP fully expects to complete this pipeline on tribal lands. By all accounts (read about Shaun King’s revelatory leaked audiotape here), they will have the green light to do so soon after Trump takes office. Simply put, this company EXPECTS to win.

We all see the freight train of Trump’s Presidency coming. Based on his cabinet appointments, we can expect an all-out assault on the rule of law, on democratic governance, on the environment, and on the ability of citizens to stand up for ourselves and our future. All signs indicate Trump will grant the permit to install the pipeline under Lake Oahe immediately following his inauguration. In preparation, #RevolutionTruth is readying cases to fight Dakota Access in court.

The outcome of Standing Rock is now more important than ever. Together, all of us can resist the radical abuses of power we have seen at the hands of the corporate state. This battle is one of environmental and racial justice, of restoring sovereign rights of Native Peoples, and for democracy and citizen agency, itself. With pipelines threatening our water and natural resources all around the earth, Standing Rock is a critical nexus point -- the outcome of which affects us all.

Where Goliaths use the power of the state to violently achieve private interests, often at the expense of the climate, our futures, and our constitutionally guaranteed rights, we non-violent warriors can - and we must - band together to defeat them. We crowdsource justice, and wholeheartedly welcome you to join with us today.

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